

Get Your Product or Service Listed On This Website – Partner With Investing Systems

You’ve probably already heard of Investing Systems, but if you haven’t – thousands of traders and investors have. We’ve been selling “market related” products and services on the Internet for two decades.

We’ve become a trusted brand over the years and have an extensive database of traders and investors that have purchased from us. Our customers, prospects and visitors are always looking for new trading / investing related software, indicators, trading rooms and educational services.

We’re offering you the opportunity to get your software, product or educational service listed here on our site.

…and here’s what’s even better

We’re extremely flexible. If you have an affiliate program – we’ll join it and promote your product. If you prefer to have a Featured Listing here on the website, we have several inexpensive options to choose from. You can get a basic listing free (if we like your product) or you can choose one of the paid promotional options below.

Partnering with Investing Systems will bring Fresh Leads to your site – and new customers – for the Best ROI you’ve ever had.

Get Tons of New Leads and New Customers

You’re an expert in your niche. You offer great trading education and have products and services that you know will benefit traders and investors. But the tough part is getting new leads and new visitors to your site. Let us Help.

Choose how your trading service or investing-related product appears on our site. We will customize a listing that looks great!

Email Promotion of Your Service

Investing Systems has been curating email lists of traders and investors for a decade. We’ve built trust in the marketplace. Our leads can become your customers.

Advertorials and Guest Posts

This website is on the fast-track to becoming a go-to resource for traders and investors looking for strategies, education and services. Bring your best articles and we’ll publish them here.

Comprehensive Marketing

Your decision to partner with us is one of the best moves you can make. Listing your service here means you’ll get way more than you expected. We have a ton of ways to promote your site and drive new leads.

Why Partner With Investing Systems?

The Internet is changing rapidly. Getting leads and traffic to your site won’t work the same way it used to.

AI is changing the way people search. In the old days you’d rely on traffic from Google in the search results.

While that’s still possible, more and more of your customers are using Perplexity, ChatGPT, CoPilot and other resources for searches.

And Google is changing the way they do things.

Let’s face it. Getting clicks to your website is getting more and more challenging every day.

And getting leads that are interested in your service has always been a challenge.

First of all, a listing on our website gives you a valuable “backlink” from a relevant site with Domain Authority. Those are important (just ask your marketing dept).

Second, we are committed to working with a small number of clients to leverage our resources to help promote their product or service.

We can do this in multiple and unconventional ways. Here are a few:

1) Guest content articles. We are building out a comprehensive resource site for stock, option and Futures traders. Your best articles on this site can leverage your brand.

2) We do a weekly “Live Show” that’s been on the air for over a decade. It was originally called a Radio show before the term Podcast was ever invented. Guest appearances on our show can help you reach potential customers that haven’t heard of your service.

3) The “Featured Listings” on our website are a highly-curated list of products and services that we can stand behind. We aren’t building just another review site or list of anyone with an affiliate program. We are interested in top-notch products and services we can partner with to form long-term relationships.

4) Since we’ve been in the trading software / services business for two decades, we’ve managed to build some high-quality mailing lists. Paying customers that have purchased our products and services trust us. We don’t just do email swaps or send out advertisements. Our email lists are segmented and one of our most valued assets.

5) We receive lots of incoming email from people looking for trading products and services. As you may have seen on our site, our mission is to recommend the product or service that best fits the customers trading style. We steer them directly to what’s most appropriate for their style of trading.

Investing systems has primarily been a vendor over all these years, but we are broadening our scope. With the rapid pace of change underway, we feel that expanding our reach by partnering with like-minded companies and individuals is the key to success going forward.

The investing and trading products and services category has always been competitive. And in recent years the search engine aspect of it has become dominated by a handful of Goliath’s and Brokers that can afford to pay ridiculous ad prices for branding purposes.

When you partner with us, you will share in our success as we build out this site. You will reach a broader audience which will result in leads and new customers.

We think that affiliate deals are the most optimal. That way it’s all on us to bring you leads and sales. But we’re also open to paid listings, advertisements, promotions and different types of unconventional partnerships.

We have a lot of good ideas. And we have the resources to help you.

Contact Us. Let’s talk.

Your Trading Education Courses

Put your best sales text here because there’s limited room. But you’d be surprised at how effective a small featured listing can be. If your service resonates with the visitor, they’ll click the button to check out your site.

Your Trading Software or Indicators

Whether someone is trading stocks, Futures or options… They are always looking for an “edge”. We’ve talked to thousands of traders over the years and they are always looking for something new that will give them an edge.

Whatever your service provides, whether it’s a trading room or an alert service – indicators or education – our visitors are interested in what you have to offer. Get new clicks to your site and capture new leads. logo

By using technology to help investors visualize financial data, we allow our users to better analyze the markets, monitor and manage their portfolios, find promising new stocks and funds to buy, and ultimately make intelligent, well-timed investment decisions. logo

Technical analysis, done right. TradingView is a charting platform and social network used by 60M+ traders and investors worldwide to spot opportunities across global markets. Our platform comes with hundreds of built-in indicators and strategies, intelligent drawing tools and tools for in-depth market analysis covering the most popular trading concepts

Your Product or Service Here

Put anything you would like to say here. There’s tons of room to describe your trading service and what you offer. We will tweak everything just the way you like it. Whatever colors you want, whatever text you want in bold, you got it.

Put your best sales text here and your best image over there to the right and our visitors are going to click through to your website. If your service fits their trading style, solves a problem they have, or just helps them learn to be a better trader – they will be your new customer.

You can add images, icons, links or whatever you like. We will personally customize this ad section so that it looks great to you and is just the way you want it. Anything you see listed on this site that you like – we can create a similar custom ad just for you. Or if you’d like something different – no problem. Every listing on this site is “custom”.

Option 4 – Mega Full-Width Listing With Extra Feature Row

Power Emini Alert Software screenshot

Your Trading Service Will Really Stand Out Here

Describe Your Product With An Attention Grabbing Headline Like This To Reach Your Target Audience.

Our Swing Trading Alerts are designed to capture breakout style price moves that have a high probability of hitting the dynamically calculated Targets. Real-time Alerts include an initial stop and trailing stops that get you to a break-even, no-lose position a high percentage of the time.

Completely Platform Independent – Stand Alone Signal Alert Software. Trading Signals have never been so Clear, Concise and Accurate.You will:

1. Simplify Your Trading Approach
2. Reduce Your Stress
3. Improve Your Results

Stand-Alone Windows Desktop Software. Trade the Alerts with your current broker on your existing platform.
Includes both the Momentum System and the Power Scalper. Real-time Alerts for ES/MES, NQ, MNQ and more.
We include the NinjaTrader 8 “companion indicator” for Ninja users at no extra charge. It automatically plots the levels from the Alert Software on your charts.
abstract 3d background image

Frequently Asked Questions

Want to add your site to the listings? The Backlink alone is worth it. Maybe you have some great content you’d like to share with a broader audience. We will actively promote your business. We’re flexible and easy to work with.

How Do I Get Listed On This Site?

Just shoot us an email and we’ll touch base to start out.

We’ll Customize Your Listing

Each Listing is custom built to your satisfaction. Your logo, button, text, links and images will look exactly how you want them.

Prices & Fees

Prices are negotiable and not set in stone. We think you will find listing your site here is way less than you expected and we will customize a solution that works for you.

  • additional visibility on site in multiple places
  • multiple categories and pages on site (including Listing rotation in Articles and Posts)
  • guest articles (education center)
  • guest blog post(s)
  • interview on show – with Sponsored ad on page that entire week below the Video (for replay)
  • possible upgrade to larger 2-colum listing instead of 3-column (for early-stage partners)
  • partner logo in the “logo stripe” on the About page (potentially other pages)
  • small custom ad / link included in relevant Articles / blog posts
  • Featured Products and Services on “Pillar Pages”
  • Personal recommendation from phone and email inquiries
  • sponsored ad / advertorial in weekly newsletter
  • dedicated email for “event” or webinar or video
  • potential link to your YouTube channel (everyone wants more views on their videos right?)
  • We’ll hand-craft a custom listing that looks great – to your exact specifications
  • we suggest you use different text on your listing (other than what’s on your site) to give you more potential visibility
  • ad blockers are popular (I haven’t seen an ad in years) – a Listing here avoids this pitfall and gives you an alternative to purchasing traditional ads
  • we’re technology savvy and know Websites, SEO and the Financial Products landscape – we keep up with the latest trends -This is the perfect place to be seen
  • Our newsletter features new products and services as they are added – sent to our list of long-time subscribers weekly
  • If you contribute a high-quality Article, it could get highly-ranked in the search engines and bring a ton of additional traffic (you might not get from posting it on your site)
  • How many products or services are out there competing with what you have to offer? Hundreds? Thousands? Having a pro-active marketing partner on your side is a big win
  • One single sale over the course of a full year will cover the entire cost of listing your product here. One of the best ROI’s in the business.

Don’t Miss Out On A Great Opportunity

Get your product or service listed here and let us feature your brand to our members and visitors.